Tower Hill Races
Racing both days, bar open from 10am! Live music, free camping, hot shower & toilets and fully catered all weekend. Kids entertainment, foot races, business stalls and loads more! CASH ONLY EVENT
Contact name: Cortney Sonter
Contact phone number: 0413869333
Contact email address:
Tower Hill Picnic Amateur Race Club annual race days. Held on Hillview Station, 45km from Muttaburra, 170km from Winton. This is a free event for all to enjoy with racing both days, bar open from 10am, kids' entertainment all weekend. Live music by local band 'Attori", free camping (powered sites available), toilets and hot showers, catered event, coffee van, fashions on the field, bachelor and bachelorette auctions, business stalls and that's just the beginning! Come and enjoy bush racing at its finest at Tower Hill Race Club. 26th & 27th April