Council advises that Ordinary General Meetings are generally held every third Thursday of each month, with some exceptions due to holidays or key events.
General Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of each respective town as listed in the below schedule, commencing at 9.00am. Meetings are open to the public unless Council resolves to close a meeting to discuss certain matters.
A copy of the full agenda is available from the Monday prior to the meeting. Alternatively, contact the Governance Executive on (07) 4658 4113 for further information. The rules governing meetings are prescribed under the Local Government Act 2009, the Local Government Regulation 2012, and Council's Standing Orders.
Longreach Regional Council convenes the following Committees and Working Groups that provide advice to Council for consideration. These committees/groups include:
Working Groups
Audit and Risk Committee
Local Disaster Management Group
Regional Arts Development Fund Advisory Committee
Plant Working Group
Land and Pest Management Advisory Committee
Councillor Register of Conflict of Interest
Pursuant to Chapter 5B of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillors must declare prescribed or declarable conflicts when participating in a decision. Refer to the attached link to view the Longreach Regional Council's Register.