
There are three designated cemeteries in the Longreach Region, located in Longreach, Ilfracombe and Isisford. They are managed and maintained by Council.

For more information, or assistance with burial or funeral arrangements, please contact Council on (07) 4658 4111 or email

Funeral Services

Longreach Regional Council provide a professional Funeral Service for those in need at the most heartbreaking and difficult time with the loss of a love one.

Council is happy to assist you with the planning of each details of your funeral, creating a dignified and memorable tribute worthy of the one you have lost. 

Amongst the grief and emotion of loss it is important to attand to the personal affairs of your loved one by asking the following question.

  • What should I do now?
  • Who should I contact?
  • What are my legal responsibilities?
  • What immediately needs to be done?
  • Burial or Cremation?
  • How much time do I have?

To assist you, we have produced this planning guide which will inform you of your obligations, answer most questions and aid you in attanging a Funeral. Naturally you will have further questions of your own and will need assistance so call us on (07) 4658 411.

Funeral Services Guide


  • Established in 1893, the Longreach Cemetery is located along Raven Road on the south-east edge of town. It has three sections:


    The oldest section and closed to new internments, however Council does honour grave sites that have been previously reserved. Longreach Archival and Historical Research Group have produced an index of burials for download.


    Provides a permanent memorial with a plaque placed on the grave at ground level.


    Located within the lawn section, the columbarium is for the burial of cremated remains. A plaque is placed as a permanent memorial.

    Longreach Cemetery is also home to the Iningai Keeping Place – a mausoleum containing the repatriated remains of Iningai people. The Iningai were Aboriginal people who once lived in Central Western Queensland.

    Search Longreach Cemetery Online Database

  • Ilfracombe Cemetery is located at the south-west corner of town on Cemetery Road. It has been in use since approximately 1890. A recent addition to the Ilfracombe cemetery is a columbarium – for the burial of cremated remains.

  • Isisford Cemetery is approximately two kilometres from town. Travel south on St Helena Street for one kilometre to the cemetery lane, from where it is 900m to the cemetery entrance. The cemetery was gazetted in 1895 but inscriptions date from as early as 1881. A shelter erected inside the cemetery displays a list of burials recorded between 1894 and 2007.

Helpful Information

  • Longreach Regional Council can supply and affix memorial plaques. The responsibility of obtaining a plaque rests with the person arranging the funeral. Plaques take approximately eight weeks for completion and placement on the grave. To order a memorial plaque please contact Council. If you wish to order a plaque privately, please contact Council to discuss suitable size and other necessary details.

  • The dimensions of the niches in the Columbariums to house cremated remains are 150mm wide x 400mm deep. Please ensure the vessel housing the remains will fit within this space.

  • If you are searching for a particular grave in the region, please contact Council for assistance.

    The Longreach Archival and Historical Research Group has produced a Cemetery brochure to assist with self-guided tours of the Longreach Cemetery. The brochure is also available from the Longreach Visitor Information Centre on Eagle Street. To contact the Research Group call the secretary on (07) 4658 3049 or email

    In Ilfracombe and Isisford, some historical information is available at the Council branch offices in those towns. If further information is required, staff can advise you of local historians who may be able to assist.

  • Longreach Regional Council (Council) recognises the need for public amenities, including parks and reserves, across the Shire. Council’s parks and reserves are primarily provided and maintained for recreation or environmental protection.

    Council considers the cemeteries provided by Council and other providers in the Shire are located in the most appropriate places for commemorating loved ones. Generally, Council does not support visible memorials being created in its parks and reserves or alongside footpaths.

    However, Council recognises that, on occasion, it is appropriate to commemorate or recognise local people, groups, places or events of significance in a more public space. In such circumstances, Council may approve a public monuments or memorials in accordance with the Memorials and Monuments Policy.

    Requests for public monuments or memorials will only be approved if they meet the criteria contained in the Policy and the Guidelines.

    The Public Memorials and Monuments Policy and Guidelines replaces any previous approval or process regarding the installation of a memorial. Existing memorials or plaques cannot be used as precedent for future approval.

    View our Public Memorial and Monument Guidelines

    Download our Public Memorial or Monument Application Form