In May 2021 Council adopted its Thomson River Master Plan with a vision to create:
“One destination with many experiences. Centred on the region's most iconic natural asset, defined by a variety of land-based activities and opportunities to engage with the river, the precinct will be a delightful backyard for the local community, as well as a major attraction for visitors.”
The master plan is broken down into a western and eastern precinct, with the latter being largely untouched with minimal interventions, and the former containing the majority of master plan proposed works. Chief among these is the River Parkland Precinct with improved access to the river for swimmers and vessels, adventure and nature play activities, barbeques and amenities, flexible event space and much more.
The plan also features an Indigenous Heritage Trail Precinct featuring rehabilitated and sculptural landscapes, a Discovery Centre and Observation Tower, and interpretative signage. An Outback Campground Precinct will feature improved basic facilities, better trafficability for freedom camping vehicles, walk-in natural campsites and more.
Check out the Thomson River Master Plan here!
The document suggests a potential sequence of delivery for the key projects in the core precinct.

Council has established an internal Thomson River Master Plan Working Group to drive the implementation of the master plan. The working group will identify grant funding streams, provide visibility and accountability in project planning, consider whole-of-life maintenance costings, determine appropriate priorities for implementation, demonstrate a whole of Council commitment, and coordinate with external stakeholders periodically as required.
The Working Group with meet regularly and consist of internal stakeholders from across the full gamut of Council departments to provide input on project outcomes. The working group will allocate resources, plus create concept briefs and business cases to be presented to Council’s Project Decision Group for approval.
For more information on how you can be part of the future of this exciting new precinct, contact the project team:
Office of the Mayor and CEO
(07) 4658 4111